Things have changed a lot since our last visit. DD1 and DD2 are now a college student and a high school upperclassman...and I’m in a place you never really think about being in when your kids are little - I’m almost done as a mom of “kids.” As I transition to a mom of young adults I am actually very happy I made this blog when the girls were younger. It contains snippets of their lives I would have long forgotten, and it’s nice to go through these things every few years. They are changing just as rapidly now as when they were younger, but they don’t so much like to be posted about. Which I get. Husband and I are older now, thinking about a future that has our kids edging more toward the periphery than taking main stage. It’s frightening, I’m having a hard time defining who I am as my role of “mom” changes. Proud that our kids feel strong enough to fly away, and at the same time wanting to reach out and grab their foot as they start to go with a “no, not yet” catch in my throat.
So maybe I will come back from time to time and talk about that? I don’t know how to be this newer version of myself - I didn’t prepare for it. You don’t have time or mental bandwidth to think too much about this next phase while the “kid” stage is happening. But maybe...