Thursday, January 3, 2008

I don't care who you are.....

....because this? Is FUNNY!


Martha said...

You be one twisted sistah...but luv ya just the same! :)

Cindy said...

That is seriously funny. Let me know if you can find a similarly creative way to get rid of Ms. Polly Pocket. She's overstayed her welcome in our home, and I want her OUT.

Sitting In Silence said...

LOL...So that's what becomes of the old stock hey !!!

That sure is funny....

Happy new year !!!

D x

Colleen O said...

Yes yes! And take your junky little tea-party-balloon-house when you go! I just purged 5 plus mangey looking plastic ponies from the bath toys along with a grocery sack full of other crap.

Another thing to love about Ponies - Recyclable.