Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Guess who's 5 year old had a tantrum at soccer today?

Oh, and guess who's husband (who is coach of this soccer team) was out of town and letting me fill in for him?

DD2 decided on her way from the car to the practice field that she was no longer speaking to me, was not going to participate, wouldn't look at me, dropped to the ground as if all the bones in her body had melted... and once I dragged her stubborn tushy the 200 feet over to the field she silently REFUSED to join practice. I have to start practice at 4. AT 4. Not AFTER 4, AT 4.... with all the other parents now watching to see how this power struggle plays out. Now, I might not have been so very pissed off - but for the fact that she kept running to hide behind pine trees so that I could no longer see her and had 5 other small, attention challenged preschool girls to work with. These children (ONE of whom has played soccer before) have their first game on Saturday, and the bulk of this practice was spent on them lining up and kicking the ball towards the correct goal. (This? Is not as easy as it sounds. One child is still convinced she is supposed to try to score on the goal that is behind her as they line up. She get is wrong every time.) Mostly they stand there watching the action until you yell for them to chase the ball, then it's pack mentality.

Husband won't be home until Sunday afternoon, so guess who is coaching the game on Saturday? You'll know if DD2 pulls this same crap at the game. You'll know, because there will be announcements globally (and most likely YouTube videos) about the soccer mom who went bat-sh*t crazy screaming at her kid on the soccer fields in Denver, CO.

Oh, the best part? When I asked her in the car on the way home why she pulled this behavior? She said - with a smile on her face, "Because you weren't letting me walk in front of you."

Holy. Mother. Of. God. This one? Will be 15 someday... God help me.


Vanessa said...

Wow! I don't know what to say other than I wish you luck for Saturday.

Martha said...

You are so lucky I can't figure out how to attach a picture to comments...because I'd be sharing a picture of my all time, most favorite snuggle baby I've ever had the priveldge of holding to totally dispute the charges you've launched against this adorable little cherub called J! Surely Miss J. wasn't causing you this level of frustration. Nope, not gonna believe it...

Stay STrong...and if that isn't possible, spike your coffee so you won't feel the pain quite as much!

Dodi said...

The Divine Miss J has you so fooled! If I could attach a picture to comments I'd run the one from this evening where she spit Benedryl all over my front. My front? Includes my face.

OH to have my sweet snuggly baby back!

Colleen O said...

hm - I find that the Daisy meetings, you know, the one that I'm co-leader of just for dumpling's benefit, are the perfect showcase for Abi's worst behavior ever. I consider myself lucky if she just refuses to participate. These two should be kept apart at all costs.

Hang in there Saturday!

Sitting In Silence said...

Argh the politics of soccer....

Never mind 15 ! you have to make it to 12 first.....

Argh welcome to my world !!!!