It's called "Find It" (A Contained Adventure).
It's a cylindar filled with small multi colored beads, and inside along with the thousands of beads are - among other things - a push pin, dice, bobby pin, popcorn kernel, fishing hook, pipe cleaner, feather, pearl, wiggle eye, gold ring, bow, and about 5o other little things. You have to keep turning it and twisting it and tapping it to find new stuff. It's crazy, and it's fun. Made me laugh when "a lightbulb" turned out to be a christmas light. I could play with this for a very long time.
Second coolest thing would have to be High School Musical Mystery Date! I loved playing Mystery Date when I was a little girl - my next door neighbor, Melissa, and I used to play all the time! Such a great reminder that some things don't change. (Except now it's Troy and Karaoke instead of Tennis Guy and Bowling.)
Also, my husband got Guitar Hero II. He's been at it for two nights now trying to get it right. SO FUNNY to watch. I'm dying to give it a go - but I think I'll get good when he's not around and then pretend I'm all naturally talented! Problem is it's like all rocked out metal music - not really my passion.
Probably the best thing I got was the DVD set of the BBC documentary "Planet Earth." Also, Husband got me the SIMS (which I told him NOT to do, as my addictive personality will lead me down a bad path with a game like that). His reaction was, "So?" - which I am taking as his personal permission to become a SIMS addict, the new millenium version of watching soap operas and eating bon bons all day. His fault. (Because I? Am all about the I-Told-You-So scenario!) Also, Husband got me the plug and play version of a golf game that was really popular in bars when we were dating. (It was a pretty cheap way to spend an evening, game of golf over a pitcher of beer. We've always been the classy, exciting couple in town!) I thought that was cute... he was all excited when I was opening it. The girls didn't think it was such a great gift, but it made me smile.
I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and happy! That you didn't rack up too many credit card bills, and that you are looking foward to the New Year in peace now that your kids have enough new toys to keep them busy for the rest of winter break.
And here I thought Webkinz Arcade was our generation's Soaps and Bon Bons "issue"...must check out sims. Oh wait, I think my children have MySims for DS: hmmm, and they are one restricted use of electronics...thinking thinking thinking!!!
oh that find it thing looks like a very cool toy...sounds like a great christmas was had down the block...this side of the neighborhood was pretty happy too!
ooh! We got "planet earth" too! I could watch it for hours - while the wii.
I have heard so many people going on and on about the Guitar Hero. Am I really missing out?
Guitar Hero is pretty fun. Are you old enough to remember that Merlin game from the late 70's, early 80's? It's sort of like a new milennium version of that, but on steroids! You have to hit the notes as they come at you, and takes a ton of eye hand coordination. If you like to game, but don't really like shooter or fight games you'll probably like it.
It is a lot less "air guitar" than I was afraid it was!!!! I was like, "no. I'm not doing that" until I saw how it really worked.
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