Monday, January 5, 2009

And the curious treatment of the toys continues...

It's possible that there was an attempt at Mutiny and most of the Littlest Pets my daughter owns are being punished. (I especially like the ones that are hanging upside down... they must have been the ring leaders. And what's with the hamster in solitary confinement up there?)

Perhaps that folding table is like some sort of Guantanamo Bay for tiny terrorist pieces of plastic?

Maybe they are like Somalian Pirates that take over other toys in our living room - and the coast guard has rounded them up for interrogation?

I don't know, every time I let my guard down around here I am greeted with some sort of weird toy display. At least I can be thankful they are all of the same toy type, and the Polly's aren't in there acting as aid workers or something weird like that. Right?

(Note: No, I don't actually think she is insane or dangerous... she likes lining things up - it's one of her quirks. It's just that the weird stuff catches my eye, as opposed to the 15 times she lined them up facing forward, which didn't seem nearly as funny.)


Vanessa said...

Sounds like she would make a good manager some day. Keep 'em in line, I'm the boss!

birdymunch said...

I believe you are over analyzing the situation, at least their not all over the floor for you to step on. Check your facebook messages....

ganelle said...

Duh! They are looking out the very cool WINDOW! Even I can see that!

Aimee said...

Okay, really got my giggles on. Too funny. I would call that a little OCD. Maybe the ones upside down were playing Mario Galaxy too much!!

Aimee said...

To Ganelle.........
....... I'm shaking my head, can't you tell???

tz said...

is this isaac's or jake's future wife? either way, she can come organize her mother in law's closets any time...and I don't offer that to just anyone ;)

Dodi said...

It's Isaac's future wife... the quirky one.

Sitting In Silence said...

LOL...This is a must of taken her ages to do this...looks to me like they are in the naughty corner ha ha..xoxox