Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey! My husband works for that company!

Fortune just released their list of the 100 best companies to work for in 2009 - and #1 on the list is where Husband works! That's pretty cool, I have to say.

Here is the article if you want to see it:

100 Best Companies to Work for 2009


Nichole M said...

Wow! That *is* cool!

ganelle said...

So, IS it the best company to work for?

ganelle said...

So, IS it the best company to work for?

tz said...

yes, but your other husband is hosting the oscars...did you hear that...woo hoo

Dodi said...

G: Perhaps I'll have an answer for you in a month when I find out if the insurance benefits will cover a SI, PT, OT program we're trying to get DD2 in to! But, yes, so far so good with the company itself.

TZ: Yes, Sisterwife, I haven't forgotten he's hosting the Oscars. Don't you dare go tattling to him that I was bragging about the Husband here in Denver!

Colleen O said...

SI - sensory integration? Super Intuition?

Dodi said...

Ahhhh, sensory integration. And the eval is beaucoup $$. Wish me luck on that!