DD2's kindergarten class gets to work on laptop computers once a week so they can practice their "mousing" skills on a trackpad. A little over a month ago she had to "click and drag" pictures to make a composite of her family.
Guess which one is me????
(Bonus points: She pictures me thin, right?)
What is WITH that child!?! So funny!
That is really funny! It reminded me of when I was 6. My mom and I were shopping (vacationing in Florida) and I went around the other side of the makeup counter from her in the department store. I wanted her attention so very loudly started calling "mom, mom" and she came over.
The saleslady asked if she was my nanny.
Honest to God, you should have seen the look on her face when I (blue eyed, loaded with freckles) told her she was my mom (tanned olive complexion, dark hazel eyes). I swear she didn't believe either of us.
Mom and I laughed about that for years. It was the first time I ever noticed she had darker skin than mine.
She really does love you though!
Oh yes, she does love her mommy. she is by her very nature a true mama's girl!
She does make me laugh!!
hahahah, I have nothing clever to say, it just makes me laugh!
PMSL xoxoxox
gosh thats funny. Maybe you'll better lay off the tanning bed!
We've have been trying to reach you for the last two nights to wish you a Festive Kwanzaa, hope that you're having fun keeping the party rolling from Christmas to New Years. This may be the only holiday not celebrated here at Kate and Jer's house.
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