Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm confused

So, DD1's teacher just called. She said she was calling to tell me that everything was fine, that DD1 is doing great, and that she loves having her in class this year. (I'm thinking, "Wow, how nice that she called just to tell me how much she likes my daughter!")

But then she told me that there was an "incident" last week where DD1 was crying because one of the other girls in class wouldn't play with her at recess, and they had been trying to work on it. (DD1 never even mentioned it, and she usually tells me when she's had a tough day and what caused it. Not in great detail, but I usually get something.) Teacher also mentioned that DD1 was very bright, and sometimes along with that there is great sensitivity.

Why am I expecting to be contacted by the school psychologist next?


ganelle said...

I wouldn't be too worried. The teacher was probably just giving you a heads up.

And, don't you just want to GET the little twit who make her cry??? I remember last year there was a kid who told BB1 "We don't like new kids!" I wanted to STRANGLE him!!!

BTW, that boy is now one of BB1's better friends. Go figure! Probably good that I didn't strangle him after all.

Martha said...

Nah, I'm here to tell you...the shrink calls you first! Don't ask me HOW I know this...I just do!

Seriously, interesting that this made enough of an impression on the teacher but didn't register on DD1's radar as being worthy of sharing it with mom? I think that's where I"d be the most perplexed, ya know?

tz said...

that's kind of strange? I'd feel kind of strange after a phone call like that too...

Aimee said...

I am always expecting SOMEONE to call me about DD. As soon as I let my defenses drop, I know I'll get one.

Sitting In Silence said...

Better talk to DD and see what she says....I'd get the whole story...
Bit weird how the teacher called but DD didn't say anything..

Be sure to follow it up xoxox