Monday, September 15, 2008

goings on...

Have a few small things to blog about...

Darling Niece has pledged the world's best sorority. Yea!!!! Welcome to all things Pink and Green, Sister!

Darling Daughter 2 had a visit to the dentist today. Good news? She sat still for x-rays for the first time ever - usually it doesn't "happen." Bad news? On those said x-rays you can clearly see her very first cavity. Oh! My poor, darling baby.

Oh, and sixteen year old Miley Cyrus has a new boyfriend. He's 20. TWENTY. Way to rein her in, Billy Ray. Way to make sure she doesn't follow the predictable child star path. As a parent of two children who are HUGE Disney fans, I must thank you for your continued strong parenting that will most likely land her in rehab before her 20th birthday. This picture is of them leaving church on Sunday. Dressed like that. At church. I'm sure they're not having sex yet, right? Because that? Would be illegal. Right?


ganelle said...

Not MILEY!!! I was so depressed over Brittany loosing her virginity after her public pleadge, that I don't think I could handle Miley falling apart too!

Seriously, parents should steer CLEAR of Disney Corp. for their star children!

Martha said...

Well, he is carrying a bible instead of a pack of trojans so that should count for something, right?

Sitting In Silence said...

Right...NOT ! LMAO