Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank God for Antibiotics!

OK, whinging is over - antibiotics have kicked in and I feel human again. As a wonderful side effect, sinus condition that I've been dealing with since the day after Christmas also seems to be resolving itself - perhaps it has been an sinus infection all this time after all?

Happy Monday. House de-cluttering can continue. (Anybody interested in joining me for a large yard sale in May is welcome. I'm thinking we can turn it in to a multi family cul-de-sac sale with no problem!) It's just all too much for me to deal with, and I need the crap out of here before the remodeling can begin. (Otherwise we have no place to move the stuff we are keeping from room to room!) I hope that Goodwill is interested in lots of gently worn clothing... FROM THE 80's! LOL. I'll also be having a tea in the next couple of weeks so my friends can come over and go through the books I'm getting rid of. I've got some pretty good titles up for grabs.

On a not so cheerful note: Please send your prayers to those in Victoria Australia this week... massive forest fires have decimated over 900 acres. 130+ deaths so far, fire moving so quickly that people have died in cars driving away from the fires. Worst of all, perhaps, is they believe some of the fires were not accidental. As people who live close to "fire country", we in Colorado understand the terror and horror of massive forest fires. This is what it will be like eventually when the beetle kill all around Vail goes up. Sad, scary days. Danielle, we all certainly hope that your friends and family have not been affected. I know you live a long, long way from the fire areas - but I'm not sure about your extended network.


ganelle said...

Glad you are feeling better!

Vanessa said...

The wildfires are scary. They move so fast, leave little in their wake and show no mercy for human life. The last count I saw was over 200 dead in AU. Scary stuff.

tz said...

oooh, am I going to be invited...
glad you're feeling better and congrats on the decluttering...i'm so in need of that myself