Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who's on twitter?

Share your tweet address with me so I can follow you.


OHN said...

Oh...Dodi, I don't know how to twit. I am usually a year or two behind the new trends and by the time I figure it out, they are old trends and nobody cares.

Dodi said...

I don't plan on twittering myself... I just like seeing what they say. Some people are really very funny given the limited text space!

Martha said...

Alas, I do not twitter either.
Though I can dither, dather, blabber, and fret with the best of them...

Oh, and I think I can fritter too..
But twitter? Nope

Sitting In Silence said...

Nada to Twitter here, I am flat out trying to work the spelling box in the edit section ! xoxox

Colleen O said...

I tried twittering.... but only had 1 twit friend, and 1 funny/weird aquaintence I followed. Then facebook came and took away all of my free time!