Thursday, February 12, 2009

That time of year already?

The day before I was born, my oldest brother turned seven. What he'd wanted for his birthday was a puppy... what he got was a little sister that he'd have to share birthday cakes with for years to come. This is one of our most famous family stories.
"I wanted a puppy."
"He got a sister."

Funniest "Larry and I" birthday story I have involves my mom. I was a twenty-something, and my mom hadn't called me on my big day to wish me a happy birthday. Sure, I was miffed but this wasn't THAT weird, I knew she'd done it to other sibs before, she'd just forgotten. I called my brother on Valentines day and asked him if Mom had called him for his birthday - ready to commiserate and laugh that she'd forgotten us and wondering if this might not be the next great family story - and found out she had called him! Not me... forgot the child born the very next day... seriously, out of all her kids I have the easiest birthday in the world to remember - - it's the DAY AFTER LARRY'S! (And I'm her youngest, her BABY!) So, he got the call. I didn't. She heard about it, and my dad probably giggled that she got an ear full.

Happy Birthday to my brother who is now FIRMLY entrenched in his 50's (although he and my other brother, who turn 50 this year, actually look younger then I do). I'll be thinking about you today, wondering if you're having chicken cacciatore for dinner, and being sure I can almost smell the german-shepard-chocolate cake.

See, could a puppy blog you a birthday wish? I think not.


Anonymous said...

What a great picture. You must have secretly raided the picture stash at Mom and Dads house. Happy birthday to my baby sister, you were just what S and I wanted in a baby sister! Sister B.

Dodi said...

I did no such thing! I nabbed that picture years ago, and mom was there!!!!

ganelle said...

SO cute! Happy birthday Ms. Dodi!!!

OHN said...

I am hoping that cake doesn't contain any real german shepard ingredients!


birdymunch said...

The cake is made and Amy frosted it, we are going lite on the candles. Love you lots and Happy Birthday tomorrow.....

Anonymous said...

Yes a puppy could not blog about me but he would love me unconditionally and not announce to the world that I was “well into my fifties”. I love you too, have a happy birthday tomorrow.
Love Larry

birdymunch said...

Can you send me that picture, I love it.